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Manonmaniam Sundaranar University has been continuously in NSS since its inception with the major aim of providing opportunities to the students to involve themselves in social activities and ultimately developing their personality. 206 Aided NSS units and 37 Self Financing NSS units in 92 Colleges affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and 3 NSS units in University Departments are involved in NSS and carried out various programmes. 10 new Self Financing NSS units are sanctioned from 2022 – 23 onwards. The NSS cell in the university coordinates the NSS units in the affiliated colleges and University Departments.

District No. of Colleges No. of Units
Tirunelveli 20 58
Thoothukudi 27 67
Kanyakumari 29 81
Tenkasi 15 34
University Departments 3
TOTAL 92 243


National Service Scheme was launched on 24th September, 1969, by the then Union Education Minister, Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao in 37 Universities covering all states on the Mahatma Gandhiji’s Birth Centenary year, 1969. The aim of National Service Scheme is “Development of the Personality of students through Community Service”. The overall aim of National Service scheme is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community

National Service Scheme is a youth programme under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. The scheme is funded by Government of India and Government of Tamilnadu in the ratio 7:5

The Motto

The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. It reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of other persons’ point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society on the whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the N.S.S to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.

NSS Symbol

The symbol of the National service Scheme is based on the “RATH” wheel of the Sun Temple situated in Konark, Odissa.

Aims Of NSS Programme / Activities

NSS programme should provide a variety of learning experiences which must develop a sense of participation, service and achievement among the volunteers. The activities should aim at the following:

  • Making education more relevant to the present situation to meet the felt needs of the community and supplement the education of the University/college students by bringing them face to face with the rural situation..
  • Providing opportunities to the students to play their role in planning and executing development projects which not only help in creating durable community assets in rural areas and urban slums but also results in the improvement of quality of life of the economically and socially weaker sections of the community.
  • Encouraging students and non-students to work together along with the adults in rural areas.
  • Developing qualities of leadership by discovering the latent potential among the campers, both students as well as local youth (Rural and Urban) with a view to involve them more intimately in the development programme and also to ensure proper maintenance of the assets created during the camps.
  • Emphasizing dignity of labour and self-help the need for combining physical work with intellectual pursuits, and
  • Encouraging youth to participate enthusiastically in the process of national development and promote national integration, through corporate living and cooperative action.

While undertaking these activities, each NSS unit should envisage its programme/activities aimed at installing discipline, building character, promotion of physical fitness, and development of culture.

Organisational Structure Of NSS In M. S. University, Tirunelveli

Programme Officer - Duties, And Functions

The Programme Officer is expected to motivate student youth to understand the values and philosophy of N.S.S. The overall functions of programme officer is to help the students to plan, implement, and evaluate the activities of NSS under his/her charge and give proper guidance and directions to the student volunteers. To discharge his/her obligations under NSS programme, the programme officer plays the role of an organizer, an educator, a coordinator, a supervisor, an administrator, and a public relation officer to improve the quality and magnitude of NSS programme in his/her institution.

a. As an Organizer
  • To interpret the scheme to the students and other members of the college community and create awareness about the scheme.
  • To motivate, recruit and select students for NSS work
  • To enlist cooperation and coordination of community agencies, government departments and non-governmental agencies, and
  • To select service projects on the basis of utility and feasibility.
b. As an Educator
  • To orient NSS volunteers by explaining the concept of social service and by teaching the methods and skills required for achieving the objectives of the scheme.
  • To promote community education through meetings, talks, news bulletins, discussions, etc, and
  • To help in formulating NSS programmes which will have direct relationships with the academic curricular.
  • c. As a Coordinator
    • To coordinate NSS activities in accordance with the students ability and community demands.
    • To coordinate internal resources available in the form of teaching expertise of teachers for enhancing the knowledge and skills of the students in implementation of the scheme, and/li>
    • To coordinate various external resources available in the forms of government services, welfare agencies, and voluntary bodies for the success of the NSS.
    d. As a Supervisor
    • To assist students to learn how to do their jobs. His/Her supervisory and consultative skills should enable students to set realistic goals and see problems as a challenge and take appropriate steps to solve them, and
    • To assist in evaluation and follow - up work.
    e. As an Administrator
    • To keep the principal, college advisory committee and the programme coordinator of the university informed of the activities of the unit.
    • To run day-to-day administration of the programme.
    • To attend correspondence regularly.
    • To maintain record of students’ participation and activities undertaken.
    • To prepare progress report periodically for submission to college and university.
    • To keep accounts and stock in the prescribed forms, and
    • To prepare annual calendar of activities to be undertaken.
    f. As a Public Relation Officer
    • To inform the community about the scheme through press reports, radio and television programme, pamphlets, seminars and speakers forums, and
    • To initiate IEC campaigns for image building of NSS in order to inspire and motivate students and community.

    Selection Of The Programme Officer

    The selection of the programme officer will be made by the principal of the institution in consultation with the programme coordinator of the University.

    a. Qualifications
    • Programme Officer will be selected from the members of teaching faculty only.
    • NCC Officers and physical education directors should not be appointed as NSS programme officers.
    • In women colleges or for women unit a lady teacher should be appointed as programme officer. However, male members may help the lady programme officers.
    • A teacher who has high level of motivation towards community work and having good rapport with students should be preferred as programme officers.
    b. Tenure

    The maximum period for which a teacher is appointed as programme officer will be 3 years in the first instance. However, this period is extendable for two more years, on the basis of the review of his/her performance by the principal and programme coordinator.

    c. Training / Orientation

    The programme officer will be sent for orientation course within 3 months of his/her selection. The programme officer must undergo the orientation training within one year from of the date of appointment as programme officer, when there is no orientation course conducted in the stipulated period of 3 months.

    The principal of the institution will intimate to the programme coordinator, NSS Regional Centre and TORC/TOC concerned regarding the selection of the programme officer. The principal will also ensure that the programme officer is attending the orientation training organized by TORC/TOC. It is the obligation of the head of the institution to relieve the programme officer for this purpose.

    If the selected programme officer does not undergo the orientation training for any reason within one year from the date of his/her selection, he/she will cease to function as programme officers and another person will be selected and given training in time. No programme officer without orientation will continue to work as programme officers if he/she is not trained within the stipulated period.

    Implementation Of Nss Programmes - Institution Level

    a.Enrolment of NSS Volunteers

    At college level the NSS volunteers will be enrolled from the 1st year degree-class students. Preference should be given to the students who have worked as NSS volunteers at +2 level.

    NCC cadets will not be allowed to join NSS. Similarly NSS volunteers will not participate in NCC or any other youth organization, except RRC, as long as they are in NSS. Same restriction will apply to the NSS Programme Officers.

    b. Records and Registers

    The NSS programme is financed by the public funds. Therefore, the institution should maintain the financial records and registers as required under financial rules and these have to be kept open for inspection and audit.

    The records and registers should be properly handed over by outgoing programme officer to the newly appointed programme officers.

    The following records and registers are to be maintained in the NSS units at College level.

    Enrolment Register

    A register with complete particulars and profile of the students enrolled in NSS should be maintained, unit wise. This register should have information about the names, sex, SC/ST, and class of NSS students, their interests, and experience in NSS and other service activities.

    Project Register

    This register is to be maintained by the programme officer with the help of students. It should provide a list of the projects undertaken during the year with complete information on each project, viz; places/areas/institution, target groups, number of students (also names) involved in the particular activity and financial allotment.

    Stock Register

    A stock-register, listing separately, the consumable and non-consumable items, should be maintained. In addition, an issue/lending register must be maintained for purpose of verification and periodic stock-checking. The entries in stock-register will be initialed or countersigned by the Head of the institution.

    Attendance Register

    Attendance of student volunteers at the various sessions/camps of NSS must be recorded and their signatures must also be obtained.

    Minutes Book

    The Programme Officer should record the minutes of meetings of the advisory committee and other meetings held periodically. This would help him/her in taking suitable follow-up action.

    Personal Space Work-Dairy of Programme Officer

    Maintaining a personal work-dairy will be useful for the programme officer wherein he/she notes the project details, difficulties encountered in the project, the number of hours spent for NSS and future plans of action.

    Financial Records

    While the college office is responsible for separately maintaining accounts for NSS ensuring their audit, the programme officer concerned, should keep himself/herself informed of the progress of the expenditure and be aware of the accounting procedure adopted by the institution office. He/she would ensure submission of expenditure statement and utilization certification to the university/state government in time. Colleges having more than one NSS unit may select one of the programme officers to look after the accounts, records, reports and returns etc., The accounts regarding the receipt of NSS grants and their utilization will be maintained as per financial norms. These accounts will be open for inspection to audit parties, officers of NSS organization State Liaison Officer and Programme Coordinator also. NSS accounts will be maintained separately. These will not be integrated with other accounts of the institution. The programme officers will send the periodical reports to the NSS programme coordinator on the prescribed proforma. The copies of such reports will be endorsed to NSS Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer. Report of special camping projects undertaken by the NSS units may also be sent to the programme coordinator, under intimation - to NSS Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer for information and projection at an appropriate level.

    Expense Pattern for Regular Activities

    SI Particular Amount (Rs.)
    I Out of Pocket Allowance to Programme Officer 6000.00
    II Clerical Assistance 2500.00
    III Programme Development & Refreshment to NSS Volunteers,Equipment,Traveling allowance to P.O/Voluntees, Contingencies 27,500.00
    Total 36,000.00

    Expense Pattern for Special Camp

    SI Particular Amount (Rs.)
    I Expenditure on refreshment 35,000.00
    II Organizing Expenditure
    III Contingencies

    College Level NSS Advisory Committee

    Colleges have to set up an NSS Advisory Committee to advise on programme/planning and development under the chairmanship of the principal. It will review NSS activities at college level.

    Composition of College Advisory Committee

    Principal - Chairperson

    2 staff members having social work background - Members (May be Programme officers of other NSS units of the College)

    One representative of the development Department - Member

    One representative from the adopted Village/slum/welfare agency – Member

    2 NSS student leaders – Members

    Programme Officer, NSS – Member Secretary

    Frequency of the meeting

    College Advisory Committee should meet at least four times during a year. The aim of holding periodical meetings is to assess the development of NSS programme in the institution and promote a sense of participation among the members of the staff, public and students for community work.

    Classification Of NSS Programme

    NSS activities have been divided in to two major groups, namely Regular activities and Special camping programme.

    Regular Activities

    Under this, students undertake various programmes in the adopted villages, college campuses and urban slums during week ends or after college hours. Duration of these services is 120 hours per year.

    The NSS units organize the regular activities as detailed below

    • General orientation of NSS Volunteers, NSS Day Celebration – 20 hrs.
    • Career guidance for the NSS volunteers – 30 hrs.
    • Community Work including Campus work and one day camp – 70 hrs.

    Orientation of NSS Volunteers (20 Hrs)

    To get the NSS volunteers acquainted with the basis of NSS programme, 20 hours are allocated for their orientation through lectures, discussions, field visits and audiovisuals etc.

    Career Guidance and Campus Work (100 Hrs)

    The NSS volunteers may be involved in the activities for the benefit of the institution and students concerned. Such projects cover the development of playgrounds, making of gardens, tree plantation in the premises, awareness programmes on drug abuse, AIDS, population education and other projects.

    List Of Internatioal And National Days To Be Observed By National Service Scheme

    01 National Youth Day 12th January
    02 Republic Day 26th January
    03 Martyr Day 30th January
    04 International Women Day 8th March
    05 World Health Day 7th April
    06 Anti-Terrorism Day 21st May
    07 World No Tobacco Day 31st May
    08 World Environment Day 5th June
    09 World Population Day 11th July
    10 Independence Day 15th August
    11 Sadbhavana Day 20th August
    12 International Literacy Day 8th September
    13 International Peace Day 15th September
    14 NSS Day 24th September
    15 National Blood Donation Day 1st October
    16/td> Communal Harmony Day 2nd October
    17 National Integration Day 19th November
    18 World AIDS Day 1st December
    19 World Human Rights Day 10th December

    List Of Internatioal And National Weeks To Be Observed By National Service Scheme

    01 National Youth Week 12-19 January
    02 Van Mahotsava Week 1-7 July
    03 International Literacy week 8-14 July

    Following are the list of programme that can be carried out as regular activities besides orienting the volunteers and observing important dates.

    • Environment enrichment and conservation
    • Health care
    • Programme on communal harmony
    • Family welfare and nutrition programme
    • Human Rights
    • Pollution Control measures
    • Natural calamities
    • Cleanliness programme
    • Social Harmony
    • Rain Water Harvesting
    • National Integratione
    • Sanitation programme
    • Awareness on hazardous of plastic materials
    • Wasteland development
    • Personality Development
    • Counselling School dropouts
    • Cycle rally
    • Veterinary health camps
    • Eye and Organ Donation
    • Career Guidance and Counselling
    • Pulse Polio immunization
    • AIDS Awareness
    • Preservation of old monuments
    • Tree Plantation
    • Awareness against drugs and illicit trafficking
    • Awareness against smoking and alcohol
    • Rendering assistance to mentally retarded
    • Educating on road safety measures
    • First Aid Training
    • Consumer Awareness
    • Herbal Garden creation
    • Voters Awareness
    • Population Education
    • Women Empowerment and Welfare
    • Environment protection
    • Mental Cleanliness
    • Blood Donation
    • Entrepreneur Development
    • Leadership development programme
    • Child Welfare and Child Labour Eradication
    • Yoga and Meditation

    Special Camping Programme

    Under this, camps of 7days duration are organized in adopted villages or urban slums with some specific projects by involving local communities. 50 percent NSS volunteers (50 volunteers) are expected to participate in these camps.

    a. Send the special Camp proposal before one month and get approval or fund from the University

    b. As per the direction of director of Collegiate Education and State Coordinator all the NSS units should organize Special camp every year compulsory and also organize the camp on or before the month of February.

    c. Total Strength 50 (45 Student Volunteers+5Non-Volunteers)

    d. Send the list of participants to the Coordinator’s office with the Invitation.

    e. Maintain the following special camp records:

    • Attendance Register (student & non-student)
    • Movement Register
    • Work Diary
    • Allocation of Duties
    • Stock Register (Consumable & non-consumable)
    • Visitor’s Book
    • Details of Menu provided
    • Sick Register
    • Cash Register

    f. Send the Invitation to the following address 7 days before the commencement of the camp.

    • The Vice-Chancellor, M.S. University, Tirunelveli -12
    • The Registrar, M. S. University, Tirunelveli - 12
    • The Programme Coordinator, NSS, M. S. University, Tirunelveli - 12
    • The Assistant Programme Adviser, NSS Regional Centre, IV Floor, IV Block, Shastri Bhavan, College Road, Chennai - 6.
    • The State Liaison Officer, Tamilnadu NSS cell, 8th floor, College road, Chennai - 6.
    • The youth officer, NSS Regional Centre, IV Floor, IV Block, Shastri Bhavan, college road, Chennai - 6.

    g. Submit audit report and utilization certificate within a period of one month after completion of the special camp.


    NSS volunteer, who has completed 240 hours of regular activities in the period of 2 years and attended one annual special camp, will be issued an NSS certificate by the university. A volunteer who does not fulfil the above conditions has to miss the university certificate. College authorities may issue a certificate to the NSS volunteer.