Department of Marine Science


Research projects by the faculty members

1. Completed projects

ICAR New Delhi (NATP) Evaluation of bioactive compounds using standard antifouling methods and characterization of potential metabolites. Isolation of Novel Antibiotics against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Sl. No Title of the project Name of the Principal Investigator Funding agency Time period Amount (Lakhs)
1 Fattening of baby lobsters Dr. S. Lazarus DOD, New Delhi 1995-1998 28 Lakhs
2 Marine Ecological studies at Manavalakurchi (Tamil Nadu) and Chavara (Kerala)” – EIA Studies on IRE Project, Govt. of India Dr. S. Lazarus MECON India Ltd 1999 0.75 Lakhs
3 Propagation of the lobster fattening technology among the unemployed fisher women of Kanykumari District, Tamilnadu Dr. S. Lazarus DOD, New Delhi 2000 3 Lakhs
4 "Save the Seas" campaign Dr. S. Lazarus IERSE, Nagercoil 2000 0.1 Lakhs
5 Technology development for spiny Lobster B. homarous Larve rearing Dr. S. Lazarus DBT, New Delhi 1999 - 2000 12 Lakhs
6 One time grant Dr. S. Lazarus DBT, New Delhi 2000 15 Lakhs
7 Development of Hatchery and Farming Technologies for Indian Spiny Lobsters Dr. S. Lazarus UGC, New Delhi 2009-2011 12 Lakhs
8 Evolving Breeding and Larviculture Technology for Grouper Epinephelus tauvina by applying Heterospecific Insemination techniques and ayurvedic products Dr. M. Peter Marian 2001-2004 40 Lakhs
9 Artemia Biomass and Cyst production in solar salt pans Dr. M. Peter Marian DBT, New Delhi 2001-2004 20 Lakhs
10 Studies on the status, diversity and distribution of sponges in Gulf of Mannar Dr. A.P. Lipton GOMBRT 2008 - 2009 7.34 Lakhs
11 Developing prediction model for quantifying artificial feed related waste output in the culture of shrimp Penaeus monodon Dr. A. Palavesam OSTC, DOD, New Delhi 2002 - 2005 9.9 lakhs
12 Standardization and Training on the production of low cost quality Vitamin with HUFA for human consumption and feed for poultry from marine trash fish Odonus niger, for income generation of SC/ST coastal population of Kanyakumari District Dr. A. Palavesam DBT Govt. of India, New Delhi 2006 - 2009 21.5 lakhs
13 Developing onshore broiler culture technology for fattening of baby rock lobster for export Dr. A. Palavesam DST-TNSCST Project, New Delhi 2007 – 2010 7.87 lakhs
14 Investigation on eco-friendly antifouling compounds from seaweeds and its symbiotic microbes Dr. A. Palavesam DRDO, Govt. of India 2008 - 2011 10 lakhs
15 Diversity and molecular characterization of novel protease producing halophilic bacterial populations in marine environment Dr. A. Palavesam UGC, New Delhi 2010-2013 10.74 lakhs
16 Dr. A. Palavesam DRDO, Govt. of India 2012-2015 19.95 lakhs
17 Marine Ecological studies at Manavalakurchi (Tamil Nadu) and Chavara (Kerala)” – EIA Studies on IRE Project, Govt. of India Dr. A. Palavesam MECON India Ltd 1999 0.75 Lakhs
18 EIA studies on “The impact of Kalpakkam Atomic power station on marine and fresh water Eco systems Dr. A. Palavesam MECON India Ltd 2000 0.85 Lakhs
19 EIA studies on “The impact of Trivancore Titanium Project Ltd. (TTPL) at Kochuveli Trivandrum on the Marine Eco systems Dr. A. Palavesam MECON India Ltd 2005 0.48 Lakhs
20 cDNA cloning and sequence analysis of opioid receptor genes from Carcinus maenas Dr.V. Samuel Gnana Prakash European Molecular Biology Organization, Europe. 2002 - 2003 12.7 Lakhs
21 Construction of a DNACHIP for the identification of myoblast fusion genes in larvae of medaka Oryzia slatipes Dr.V. Samuel Gnana Prakash European Commission (Sixth Frame Work Programme), Europe. 2004-2006 124.5 Lakhs
22 Dr.V. Samuel Gnana Prakash UGC, New Delhi 2012-2015 13.26 Lakhs
23 Purification and structural characterization of novel molecules antagonistic to the superbug methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Dr.V. Samuel Gnana Prakash DST, New Delhi 2014-2017 42 Lakhs
24 Assessment of Marine Biodiversity along the South Tamilnadu Coast Dr. G. Immanuel CMLRE, Ministry of Earth Science, New Delhi 2012-2017 64.50 lakhs
25 Studies on Immunostimulatory activity of brown seaweeds in shrimp Penaeus monodon. Dr. G. Immanuel DBT, New Delhi 2012-2015 25.882 lakhs
26 International Collaborative research consultancy on project Evaluation of TECNOFUCO on Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) disease resistance and immune activity Dr. G. Immanuel TECHNOFIRM Co.Ltd., Corlay, France 2012-2013 € 7500
27 A comparative study on therapeutic efficacy of seaweed and terrestrial plant extracts in shrimp Penaeus monodon culture system Dr. G. Immanuel UGC, New Delhi 2012-2013 11.74 lakhs
28 International Collaborative research consultancy project on “Effect of Sea weed powder and algal substances on disease management in shrimp” Dr. G. Immanuel Biotech Marine, PONTRIEUX, France 2007-2009 €4000
29 Evaluation of Sunshine Aqua Plus on shrimp nutrition-Research consultancy project Dr. G. Immanuel Sunshine Agroproducts Ltd. Chennai, India 2014 1.0 lakh
30 Marine studies for the proposed 100 MLD desalination plant at Neemeli, Chengalpet Dt., Tamilnadu Dr. G. Immanuel MECON Ltd., Bangalore 2007 1.5 Lakhs
31 Marine ecological studies for the proposed fisheries harbour construction at Rajakkamangalamthurai,K.K.District, Tamilnadu. Dr. G. Immanuel RFH Trust 2010 1.5 Lakhs
32 Marine Ecological Studies for the proposed Fast Breeder Reactor 1 and 2 MGD desalination plant at Kalpakkam, Chengalpattu District,Tamilnadu Dr. G. Immanuel MECON Ltd., Bangalore 2011-12 3.4 Lakhs
33 Marine ecological studies for the proposed desalination plant near Gopalpur port of Gopalpur Port of Orissa sand complex, IREL Ltd., Orissa. Dr. G. Immanuel MECON Ltd., Bangalore 2014 2.48 Lakhs
34 Marine ecological studies for the proposed Indian Coast guard Acadamy at Azhikkal, Kannur District, Kerala Dr. G. Immanuel MECON Ltd., Bangalore 2014 2.40 Lakhs
35 Fattening of baby rock lobster Panulirus homarus, a technology demonstration for fisher women Dr. G. Immanuel DRDA, Govt of Tamilnadu, India 2000-2001 1.5 lakhs
36 Technological innovation in marine pharmaceutical to use trash fish (Odonus niger) liver oil for income generation in rural community” Dr. G. Immanuel DST, New Delhi 2005-2008 13.5 lakhs
37 Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from marine bacteria associated with mollusc of kanyakumari coast. Dr.S.Mary Josephine Punitha UGC, New Delhi 2012-2017 9.96 lakhs
38 Screening, characterization and application of bioactive plant products for Broodstock maturation enhancement in Penaeus monodon Dr. M. Michael Babu International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden project 2004-2006 & 2006-2009 18 lakhs
39 Development of antimicrobial product from plants and microalgae for treating shrimp bacterial pathogens. by conventional antibiotics Dr. M. Michael Babu UGC, New Delhi 2010-2013 13.86 lakhs
40 Post graduate Diploma in Planktonology Dr. M. Michael Babu UGC Innovative Programme 2012-2016 Rs.45 lakhs
41 Development of suitable herbal medicinal products to replace antibiotics in the shrimp aquaculture industry Dr.T.Citarasu DST, New Delhi 2006-2009 11.4 lakhs
42 Developing of antiviral and immunostimulant drugs from medicinal plants against the shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) for cultivable shrimp species Dr.T.Citarasu UGC, New Delhi 2010-2013 10.86 lakhs
43 Characterization and production of pharmacologically important biosurfactants from halophilic microbes Dr.T.Citarasu DST, New Delhi. 2014-2017 10.78 lakhs
44 Cloning and expression of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) CAPSID Protein (RNA-2 CP) Dr.T.Citarasu Raman Postdoc Grant, UGC, New Delhi 2014-2015 27 Lakhs
45 Cloning and sequence analysis of salinity tolerant gene from estuarine AM fungi Dr. T. Selvaraj DST, New Delhi 2007-2010 11.24 lakhs
46 Structural and biological elucidation of antiproliferative bioleads from microbes of marine origin Dr. M. Krishnaveni UGC, New Delhi 2012-2015 8.34 Lakhs
47 Evaluation of mechanism underlying anti-proliferative activity of bio-lead and its synthetic derivatives Dr. M. Krishnaveni DST-SERB, New Delhi 2012-2015 13.15 Lakhs

General Research Grant

Sl. No Scheme Funding agency Year Amount (Lakhs)
1 Non Special Assistance Programme (SAP) –Phase-I UGC, New Delhi 2008 10 Lakhs
2 Non Special Assistance Programme (SAP) –Phase-II UGC, New Delhi 2009 20 Lakhs
3 Basic Scientific Research (BSR) UGC, New Delhi 2012 20 Lakhs
4 Special Assistance Programme (SAP) UGC, New Delhi 2012 65 Lakhs
5 Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) Department of Science and Technology (DST), 2014 38 Lakhs

2. Ongoing projects

Sl. No Title of the project Name of the Principal Investigator Funding agency Time period Amount (Lakhs)
1 Investigation on environmentally safe antifouling metabolites from mangroves as a source to control biofoulers Dr. G. Immanuel DST-SERB, New Delhi 2018-2021 49.65 lakhs
2 The effect of medicinal herb Phyllanthus niruri extracts on immunostimulatory activities and immune genes expression in shrimp Penaeus monodon. Dr. G. Immanuel UGC, New Delhi 2015-2018 14.50 lakhs
3 Identification of novel antiviral molecules from marine microbial communities associated with sponges Dr. Anuj Nishanth Lipton DST (NPDF), New Delhi 2017-2019 20 Lakhs 19.20 Lakhs

3. Facilities created


Number of Major Equipment: 27

Total Cost : 9,60,1387/-

Important Major Equipment: Cooling centrifuge, PCR, ice flake machine, UV spectrophotometer, -80 Deep freezers, Sonicator, Geldoc, Rotary evaporator, ELISA Reader, nano drops, Phase contrast microscope, Florescent microscope, Real-time PCR and HPLC etc

Number of Minor Equipment: 47

Total Cost: 20,38,314/-

Important Minor Equipment: Orbital shaker, Binocular microscope, Laminar flow hood, Weighing balance, Water analyzer, Hot air oven, Micropipette, -20 deep freezer, Air conditions, Microtome, Gel electrophoresis, Vortex etc

3.2 Wet lab / culture facilities

  • Wet lab facility available for the larviculture of crustaceans including shrimps, lobsters and Artemia with continuous re-circulatory system
  • Finfish culture facility available for brackish water and fresh water fishes
  • Indoor and outdoor culture facility for Micro algae
  • Extensive culture facility for shrimp and brackish water fishes