Department of Renewable Energy

About the Department

  Energy is the essence of human existence and a catalyst for the economic development of a country. The need for energy is increasing at a very fast rate in the developing countries in comparison with the developed countries. The energy crisis had led to many innovations as well as research and development programs in all sectors related to the energy. It is the time to look ahead and work in the right direction to use the present sources and find out viable alternatives and also need to protect our environment for the next generation. Energy sector has its own impact on the progress and development of any nation. The availability of various energy resources and in house capability to use it in the appropriate manner for productive development of a nation is the key factor in the economic growth of the country. Keeping this long term need in mind and with the vision of the university leadership, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University has established Department of Renewable Energy Science in 2014.