Department of Centre for information technology and engineering


Sl.No Name of the Events Event Category Date Organizing Coordinator Organized by Participation
1. Science Day National Science Day 28 February 2018 Dr.N.Krishnan CITE at VOC Auditorium, MSU Faculty / Students
2. SOFTCRAFT-18 Technical Symposium 27 February 2018. Dr. S.Saudia CITE College Students
3. Android Apps Development Workshop 06 & 07 November 2017 Dr. P. Kumar Jointly conducted by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Career & Counselling Cell in association with CITE Faculty / Students
4. Tools and Techniques for Data Analytics Workshop 28th & 29th August 2017 Dr. S. Saudia CITE Faculty / Students
5. SOFTCRAFT-17 Technical Symposium 13 March 2017 Dr. S.Saudia CITE- College Students
6. Android Mobile Applications Development Workshop 19 to 21 October 2016 Dr. P. Kumar CITE Faculty / Students
7. Skill Developments using Modern Programming Techniques Seminar 17 October 2016 Dr. T. Arumuga Maria Devi UGC XII Plan, CITE Faculty / Students
8. Bigdata Analytics Seminar 22nd January 2016 Dr. S.Saudia CITE Faculty / Students
9. Biomedical Engineering Trends Seminar 27th August 2015 Dr. P. Kumar CITE Faculty / Students
10. Cloud Computing and Soft Skills Development Seminar 9th & 10th February 2015 Dr. T. Arumuga Maria Devi CITE Faculty / Students
11. Web Design Workshopr 12 April 2013 Dr. C. Divya CITE Faculty / Students
12. Ethical Hacking Workshop 25 February 2013 Dr. C. Divya CITE Faculty / Students
13. Computer & Internet Fundamentals of Office Automation One week Computer training programme 28 June 2006 to 03 July 2006 Faculty members of CITE / CSE Jointly conducted by CITE and Department of Computer Science and Engineering Judicial Officers of Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Thoothukudi Districts
14. Computer Operation to the Administrative Officers & Staff Two weeks Training Programme 07 April 2006 to 28 April 2006 & 06 June 2006 to 26 June 2006 Faculty members of CITE / CSE Jointly conducted by CITE and Department of Computer Science and Engineering Administrative Officers & Staff of Manonmaiam Sundaranar University
15. Computer & Internet Fundamentals and Office Automation One week training programme 13 June 2005 to 17 June 2005 Faculty members of CITE / CSE CITE Officers of Local Fund Audit Department in the Four Districts of Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi and Kanyakumari