Students who have lost (damaged) their Semester wise Mark Statement / Consolidated Mark Statement shall apply to the University based on the following documents
Demand Draft/Indian Bank Challan (Blue Colour) should be drawn in favour of Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for Rs.2000/-+Search Fee of Rs.200/- per semester from the examination passed
In case of Second Duplicate Marks Statement, Demand Draft/ Indian Bank Challan (Blue Colour) should be drawn in favour of Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for Rs.5,000/-(per statement) + Search Fee of Rs.200/- per semester from the Examination passed
Original ID if receiving the same in person or attested ID proof if receiving the same through Postal or Courier service
Self-addressed Stamped (Rs.40/-) Envelope
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Students who have lost (damaged) their Provisional / Degree Certificate shall apply to the University for Duplicate Certificates based on the following documents
Demand Draft/Indian Bank Challan (Blue Colour) should be drawn in favour of Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for Rs.3000/-+ Search Fee of Rs.200/- per semester from the examination passed
In case of Second Duplicate Marks Statement, Demand Draft/ Indian Bank Challan (Blue Colour) should be drawn in favour of Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for Rs.10,000/-(per statement) + Search Fee of Rs.200/- per semester from the Examination passed
Self-addressed Stamped (Rs.40/-) A4 size envelope
Demand Draft/Indian Bank Challan (Blue Colour) should be drawn in favour of Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for Rs.3000/-+Search Fee of Rs.200/- per semester from the examination passed